Sunday, September 11, 2011

Stories from the Street: Walter's Story

I came upon Walter on Ohio Street as he sat on the sidewalk next to a sign that read, "God is Good." Is it a paradox that a man who is homeless would say, "God is Good?" As Walter tells it, he's been robbed, had his teeth kicked in and more, so every day that he wakes up is a day to give thanks for "a chance to get it right."

Walter's been homeless for 7 years and he says that's how long it has been since he's had a significant other. But Walter seems to know he is Beloved by God, and that sustains him. Truth be told, the day I met Walter I was having kind of a down day, and Walter's wisdom and confidence about his faith gave me hope. A man who is homeless giving me hope? Funny how God works sometimes.

Walter commented how there are so many people running around with all this stuff and they're still not happy. And here he is, a guy with nothing but the shirt on his back, and he's content and happy.

Walter's daily routine is to read his Bible and try and collect $21 for a room and a shower. Join me in supporting folks like Walter as I work to raise $5,000 for men and women who are homeless and train for the October 2011 Chicago Marathon. Tax deductible donations can be made at

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