I was blessed to accept two new gifts into my life today, my new kitten, Iggy and a first grade class of new catechists at St. Clement. Eyes filled with curiosity and wonder. Hearts not shy about asking questions like, "How old are you, and are you married?" Playfulness that comes as naturally as being alive. Climbing furniture just because you can, and squeezing you body behind hard to reach places just to see if you can fit in there.
I'm looking forward to letting the eyes of a child (and a kitten) show me things I hadn't seen before, but were always there. I'm looking forward to being asked questions I can't answer. I'm looking forward to letting my heart grow in love and appreciation for these new creatures of God in my life and the God who made them.
In Luke 18:17, Jesus says,"Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all." And in Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
I've always understood these scriptures but it's hard to truly "get" them as an adult unless you have a child or children in your life. Our adult world and way of being can be so serious and boring, frankly. I think what Jesus means that he wants us to be "like a child" and receive him with an open heart that loves without inhibition, caution, shame, or fear. He wants us to have an unguarded, accepting heart that expects love, not hurt or rejection. This his hard to do!
We've all had our hearts broken at one time or another, whether it be from a relationship or job gone bad. It takes courage to step up to bat again with an open heart after you've been wounded time and time again. That's what makes Jesus' words so challenging. It takes faith I guess. To trust like a child, to love like a child, to notice things, to ask questions, and enjoy life rather than fret about it.
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