I had the opportunity to spend this weekend with 10 homeless men at a retreat center in Indiana. Really powerful stuff. The retreat provides an arena for men to witness to their brokenness in a safe environment and work toward healing by conversing openly with peers and with God. http://www.ignatianspiritualityproject.org
On these retreats I've learned that the powerful thing about witnessing to the truth is - - the truth cuts across differences in age, race, and faith and helps all who are sharing make a deeper connection. The more brave we are in our brokenness and naming what's real - - the closer we come to real intimacy with others and to recieving God's love. Hiding from this truth or denying it, insulates us from recieving this love, and loving ourselves.
But witnessing to the truth and our brokenness is a hard, somewhat unnatural thing for men. We aren't used to baring our souls to other men (unless maybe they are a priest or someone on their death bed.)
Men are brought up to be strong and fearless. We're not supposed to cry or admit our weaknesses. So being vulnerable is something we have to learn how to do and do well. If you're looking for vulnerable men, the best place to find them is usually on the Lifetime Network or on Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. :)
"The truth shall make you free," is what Jesus says in John 8:32. He continues, "Everyone who lives in sin is the slave of sin." I'll have to admit that I've learned and am learning this first hand.
In all of the major healing stories we hear in the bible, Jesus asks the recipient, whether that be Bartemeus, the woman at the well, or the woman with the hemmorage to name and claim their sinfulness or brokenness. Only by coming to Jesus and admitting our sinfulness and asking for forgiveness can we be healed. Otherwise our sin becomes buried in our hearts where it churns, festers, and scars.
I need to remind myself to regularly come to Jesus in truth to be healed and recieve his loving mercy. He is the truth and the life. Amen.